Plan miasta Waddeton

Waddeton - Najnowsze wiadomości:

AgriLIVE Smithfield:More from the native cattle classes

She is a 20 month heifer by Haddenham Spencer 1 and out of Waddeton Carro. Close behind was Kestle Buttercup 116 by Lumbylaw Leo 2 and out of Kestle Buttercup 105. She was put forward by RK Rundle. Class 3F Any other British Heifers ...
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First morning Royal Welsh beef results

... Devon champion was Douglas Scott with bull Grove Brutus. This is a Highgate Hanover daughter out of Grove Buttercup 64, reserve was the same exhibitor with Grove Willowherd 36, a Waddeton Centurion 6 daughter out of Grove Willowherb 13.
źródło: BlogSearch

Welland Valley South Devons top at 3200gns

Next best was a 2800gns sale for Welland Valley Ethel 5,a Waddeton Hadrian 4 daughter with a Tornado 2 sired heifer calf at foot. She sold to T Earl, Lerryn, Cornwall. Then at 2600gns was Welland Valley Primrose 9, a Stretchford ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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