She is a 20 month heifer by Haddenham Spencer 1 and out of Waddeton Carro. Close behind was Kestle Buttercup 116 by Lumbylaw Leo 2 and out of Kestle Buttercup 105. She was put forward by RK Rundle. Class 3F Any other British Heifers ...
... Devon champion was Douglas Scott with bull Grove Brutus. This is a Highgate Hanover daughter out of Grove Buttercup 64, reserve was the same exhibitor with Grove Willowherd 36, a Waddeton Centurion 6 daughter out of Grove Willowherb 13.
Next best was a 2800gns sale for Welland Valley Ethel 5,a Waddeton Hadrian 4 daughter with a Tornado 2 sired heifer calf at foot. She sold to T Earl, Lerryn, Cornwall. Then at 2600gns was Welland Valley Primrose 9, a Stretchford ...